Launched by Endless Editions in 2014, SPRTS is a satirical periodical combining the talents of writers, editors, and artists. Compacted into a risograph printed pocket-size booklet, SPRTS offers commentary, advice, and artwork related to the field of sports. SPRTS is cross-pollination between visual art and sportsmanship, seeking to bridge the art world with a more general public.
In its first year SPRTS came out on a monthly basis and was partially circulated through a subscription service. However, since 2015 it has been released at irregular intervals; usually once or twice per year.
The contributions made to this magazine are selected through invitation and a rolling submissions policy. Each issue of SPRTS contains up-to-date articles, which analyze events in professional sports leagues, personal opinion pieces, found images and faux-editorial content. Endless Editions encourage submissions to consider the ubiquity of team sports in mass media, highlight everyday pickup games, and exemplify an admiration for the sports that are literally (see definition for figuratively) “left on the sidelines.”